Click the link so see the results of the 2025 Rate Payer Survey.

Posted by KD

Posted by KD
August 27, 2024 6:40 a.m.
Please be advised that the September regular meeting of council that was originally set for Friday, September 20 at 7:00 p.m. is now Sunday, September 22 at 10:00 a.m at the Community Centre. See you all then.
Posted by KD
Fire Ban
August 16, 2024 7:00 a.m.
Good Morning Mistusinne,
Effective immediately we are officially under a Fire Ban.
Until further notice, no open fires, no charcoal, and no fire works are allowed within the Resort Village.
Propane use is still allowed.
We will provide an update once the ban has been lifted.
Thank you for your cooperation. Have a great weekend.
Posted by KD
Annual Golf Tournament

Posted by KD
August Long Weekend Entertainment
Join us August 4th at 7:30 pm for live entertainment with Kris Klyne. See Poster for details

Meet The Candidates
Here is information regarding all the candidates running in the 2024 General Election.
The advanced poll will be held on Sunday (July 14) from 10am until 1pm. This is also water testing day. Please drop off your completed tests kits, with water collected just before drop off and we will get that to the lab for you.
Election day is July 27- 9am to 8pm.
Please bring ID and proof of address (Fees Bill, Tax Bill, or copy of the title).
We are open tomorrow (July 6) 10am-2pm, please come on down for your Tax Package if you haven’t already.
The next regular meeting of council is next Friday, July 12 at 5:00 p.m.
Posted by KD
Garage Sale Day!
June 29, 2024

There are maps in the recycle room!
Posted by KD
Nominations due June 22 @ 2:00 p.m.

Posted by KD
Council Meeting Change
The June regular meeting of council has been changed from Friday, June 21 to Friday, June 28 at 7:00 p.m. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.
Posted by KD
Canada Day!

Posted by KD
Upcoming events Summer 2024
Don't miss out on all the fun - be sure to check out our newest newsletter under the newsletter tab at the top of the page. Get the inside scoop on what's happening this summer, from exclusive events to community gatherings and everything in between. Stay in the loop and make the most of your summer adventures with us

What's New at Mistusinne
2nd Annual Mistusinne Morning!
Saturday,May 18th, 9:00 a.m. until 12:00 p.m. at the Community Center
Join us to kick off the summer season at Mistusinne with coffee and treats.
Pick up your tax notices, pick up your golf passes & boat launch tags, secure a water testing kit and much more!
Connect with council, administration & staff and visit with your neighbours.

The results of the 2024 rate payer survey can be found by clicking HERE. Congratulations to our 3 winners of the golf passes for completing the survey!
Sunday, September 24
Please be advised that a Coyote was spotted on the road by the Playground early this morning.
Procede with caution
The Resort Village of Mistusinne.

Thursday, Aug 10
The Fire Ban has been lifted.
Please burn responsibly.

Tue, July 25 at 1:00 p.m.
Fire Ban In Effect

Friday, July 21, 2023
Good Morning Mistusinne
The Fire Ban has been lifted.
Please burn responsibly. Have a great weekend.
Information on Elbow's Transfer Station

Council is proposing a Golf Cart Bylaw. This bylaw is based on the regulations setout by SGI. Please send Kelly Dodd adminstrator@mistusinne.com an email if you have questions. The rules regarding these bylaws can be found here.

Monday, July 10 4:30 p.m.
Good Afternoon Everyone,
As of 4:30 this afternoon the Water System is back up and running. THANK YOU to everyone who assisted and everyone else for their patience.
We are also now officially under a Fire Ban.
Sunday, July 9
Good Afternoon Everyone,
The Irrigation system is down and will not be back up today.
Tomorrow once we know more information we will provide an update.
We require outside assistance on this one, so please be patient as it might be a couple of days.
We will do everything in our power to sort this one out as soon as we can.
Have a wonderful Sunday Afternoon.

A huge thank you to everyone who attended the Mistusinne Morning. We had about 75 cabins pick up their tax information today. It was really wonderful to see everyone!
Frank Schinold was the winner of the Mistusinne Package. Councilor Coutts made the package and it is AWESOME. Thank you so much.
Thank you to all council and staff for all your help with this event. It was so very appreciated.
If you were unable to stop by today your package will be available here at the office during regular office hours until the July long weekend. We will mail any tax notices and invoices still in the office after the long weekend.
PLEASE BE ADVISED: The packages contain ALL kinds of great info: a calender of events for both Mistusinne and Elbow, 17 Important things to know about Mistusinne, The Spring Newsletter, a letter from council, a great little bag and of course your personalized bills. If you do not pick up your package you will only have the invoices mailed to you in July not the extras. Please stop in and say hello.
If you attended the event what did you think? Feel free to email any feedback or suggestions to office@mistusinne.com
ETransfers can be sent to office@mistusinne.com
Council Meeting Change
Please be advised that the Saturday April 22 council meeting has been moved to Sunday April 23 at 9:30 a.m due to weather/road conditions. The office is open regular hours today Friday April 21.
SaskPower Upcoming Events
The Small Modular Reactor Project Team will be hosting several drop-in events throughout the Elbow study area from March 28th to April 5th. We will share new project information and the latest siting maps as we continue to plan for nuclear power from small modular reactors. Attendees will have an chance to share their priorities to help us narrow down options for a potential site.
Attached are posters for all of the events we’ll be hosting around Lake Diefenbaker. Please share posters for drop-ins that are closest to your community on your website, facebook page and local community boards. You can also see the full schedule of all upcoming drop-ins here: SMR Siting Areas Engagement Events | Engage SaskPower
For those who cannot join in-person, we’re also offering two virtual drop-in sessions on May 2, 2023. Registration is required. Below are the links to register:
- Virtual Drop-in Event: Tuesday, May 2, 2023
12-1:30 pm (afternoon) – Register here: https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_8ahu1EQGR7qHa987IsS0Iw
- 6:30-8pm (evening) – Register here: https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_R_6-0yNmQYCKv4VdJO5KqQ
Golf Sponsorship Opportunity & 2023 Rate Payer Survey Results
The 2023 Rate Payer Survey results are in please click here for a condensed version.
Golf Course Sponsorship opportunities are available for the 2023 season please click here for the details.
This information was emailed to all residents Friday, Mar 17. If you did not receive the email please let us know at office@mistusinne.com
Happy St. Patrick's Day!
Tue,Jan 17, 2023
The Winter Newsletter has been published. If you did not receive an emailed copy please head to the "Newsletter Tab" to have a read.
You should have received an email on Saturday with a link to the "2023 Rate Payer Survey". If you did not please complete the survey here:
The next regular meeting of council will be held Sat, Feb 11 at 10:30 a.m.
Friday, Oct 14
Incase you missed it,the Fall Newsletter is out. If we have your email you have recieved a copy! You can view online here on our website on the Newsletter tab. The newsletter is always available on the Bulletin Board. If you require alternative arrangements for obtaining a copy please contact the office.
View HERE as well.
The meeting will be held at 10:00 a.m. at the Community Centre.
Wednesday, September 14, 2022
The Meeting agenda for Saturday's meeting has been finalized. It is available for review under the "Council" tab.
No new items will be accepted at this time. Anything recieved after 1:56 p.m today will automatically be redirected to the October meeting.
If you think you should be on the agenda and you are not please contact the administrator Kelly Dodd at 306-331-8540 as soon as possible.
Friday, Sept 9, 2022
No burning until further notice.
July 15, 2022
Good Afternoon Mistusinne!
Due to an overwhelming request for tax notices to not be mailed out, I have not mailed any out yet. They will be available in the office for pick up tomorrow from 10-2.
I have boat launch stickers here if you have not picked yours up yet.
If you have a second golf cart, we have the stickers ready for pick up here.
Do not forget to get your golf memberships, it is beautiful weather for a round.
If anyone has anything that needs to go to the next council meeting (Sat, July 23) please get that to me ASAP. Wednesday is the last day I can accept new agenda items BUT please do not leave permit requests that late.
A friendly reminder to please not park directly next to the boat launch. Please park in the parking area to allow everyone easy access to get onto the lake and wow what a weekend to be out on the lake.
Please drive those motorized rec vehicles with care, and in designated areas, let us see if we can have a ZERO complaint weekend. If we succeed there just might be a reward in store.
Having friends or family out to enjoy the summer? Do not forget to purchase a Green Space permit if you will be temporarily parking accommodations on the green space.
Recycling is open 12-5 today and 10-2 tomorrow.
Have a fantastic weekend everyone!
July 9, 2022
The 2022 Taxes have been levied and the 2022 fees processed.
The Summer 2022 Newsletter has been published, can be found on the "Newsletter page" of this website.
The office will be open tomorrow (Sunday, July 10, 2022) from 10:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. If you so desire, please stop in and pick up your tax package.
Feeling extra ambitious stop in pick up your package and pay your 2022 taxes.
Taxes and fees may also be paid via ETransfer to mistusinne@sasktel.net. We will mail out receipts.
Recycling will also be open during time.
Taxes not picked up tomorrow will be mailed. Not available tomorrow but would like us to hold until next Friday, just send us a quick email!
The Newsletter has been added to the website under “Newsletter” it is also on the bulletin board at the office.
We know this is short notice, please pass this information onto your neighbours.
Thank you for your cooperation!
The Resort Village of Mistusinne is looking to hire:
A permanent - Part time Office Assistant to work up to 15 hours per week.
The assistant works Fridays 12 - 5 and Saturdays 10-12 in July and August and 1 saturday a month all year for the council meeting, as well as 1 weekend day for the rate payer meeting.
Please apply within. This message will stay up until the position has been filled. If you have questions please call Administrator Kelly Dodd at (306) 331 - 8540.
1 or 2 summer students. Duties include: cutting grass, water plants and other duties as assigned by the Foreman. This position usually runs for July and August, however an earlier start date may be available this year, based on the candidates availability.
You are Invited:
Council would like to invite you to a Council Meet & Greet FREE Pancake Breakfast Sunday, July 3rd from 9:00 a.m. until 11:00 a.m. at the Village shop/survery. Here is your chance to come on out and mingle with council and fellow residents. We had tremendous success with the survey we sent in Jan! As a result council has decided to send out a survey via email once a year, in order to ensure we obtain feedback from the majority of residents. The Breakfast and Survey will replace the annual rate payers meeting this year.
Here are the final results from the Jan 2022 Survey.
Storage Fees 2022
Storage Fees for the 2022 Season are due NOW! We accept cash, cheque and Etransfer. Etransfer can be sent to mistusinne@sasktel. net. No security question is required.
The fee is $100.00 flat.
June Regular Council Meeting
The June council meeting will be held Friday,June 24 at 7:30 p.m. at the 101 Mistusinne Crescent. We will be back to Saturday's at the normal time for July.
Recycling 2022/2023
Recycling is open from 12:00 p.m. -5:00 p.m. on Friday's in June. Recycling will be open 10:00 a.m - 2:00 p.m. on Saturday's in July and August.
Golf Fees for the 2022 Season are as follows:
Resident Adult: $100.00
Resident Youth (17 and Under) FREE
Non- Resident Adult $150
Non - Resident Youth $75.00
Daily Passes $15.00
Boat Launch rates for 2022 are as follows:
Resident: No charge (2 stickers/lot)
Non- Resident $30.00 per season or $10.00 per day
Permits are now required for temporarily placing camping units on the Green Space. There are 2 different options available:
A “Up to 3 days Permit” – allows units to stay between 1-3 nights. The “4 – 7-day permit” – allows units to stay anywhere from 4-7 days.
“Up to 3 days “is available at a cost of $20.00
“4-7 days” is available at a cost of $50.00
You may Etransfer Payment, send a cheque, or stop in at the office to make payment.
Everyone needs to fill out a permit application. That can be found here, or by stopping in at the office.
Council has received a Mistusinne Boat Launch Assessment from The Golder Group. Council is also exploring alternative options. Please find a copy of the Golder Report here.
Please be advised that permits are now required for temporarily placing camping units on the Green Space. There are 2 different options available:
A “Up to 3 days Permit” – allows units to stay between 1-3 nights. The “4 – 7-day permit” – allows units to stay anywhere from 4-7 days.
“Up to 3 days “is available at a cost of $20.00
“4-7 days” is available at a cost of $50.00
You may Etransfer Payment, send a cheque, or stop in at the office to make payment.
Everyone needs to fill out a permit application. That can be found here, or by stopping in at the office.
Click the link so see the results of the 2025 Rate Payer Survey.
Posted by KD
Posted by KD
August 27, 2024 6:40 a.m.
Please be advised that the September regular meeting of council that was originally set for Friday, September 20 at 7:00 p.m. is now Sunday, September 22 at 10:00 a.m at the Community Centre. See you all then.
Posted by KD
Fire Ban
August 16, 2024 7:00 a.m.
Good Morning Mistusinne,
Effective immediately we are officially under a Fire Ban.
Until further notice, no open fires, no charcoal, and no fire works are allowed within the Resort Village.
Propane use is still allowed.
We will provide an update once the ban has been lifted.
Thank you for your cooperation. Have a great weekend.
Posted by KD
Annual Golf Tournament
Posted by KD
August Long Weekend Entertainment
Join us August 4th at 7:30 pm for live entertainment with Kris Klyne. See Poster for details
Meet The Candidates
Here is information regarding all the candidates running in the 2024 General Election.
The advanced poll will be held on Sunday (July 14) from 10am until 1pm. This is also water testing day. Please drop off your completed tests kits, with water collected just before drop off and we will get that to the lab for you.
Election day is July 27- 9am to 8pm.
Please bring ID and proof of address (Fees Bill, Tax Bill, or copy of the title).
We are open tomorrow (July 6) 10am-2pm, please come on down for your Tax Package if you haven’t already.
The next regular meeting of council is next Friday, July 12 at 5:00 p.m.
Posted by KD
Garage Sale Day!
June 29, 2024
There are maps in the recycle room!
Posted by KD
Nominations due June 22 @ 2:00 p.m.
Posted by KD
Council Meeting Change
The June regular meeting of council has been changed from Friday, June 21 to Friday, June 28 at 7:00 p.m. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.
Posted by KD
Canada Day!
Posted by KD
Upcoming events Summer 2024
Don't miss out on all the fun - be sure to check out our newest newsletter under the newsletter tab at the top of the page. Get the inside scoop on what's happening this summer, from exclusive events to community gatherings and everything in between. Stay in the loop and make the most of your summer adventures with us
What's New at Mistusinne
2nd Annual Mistusinne Morning!
Saturday,May 18th, 9:00 a.m. until 12:00 p.m. at the Community Center
Join us to kick off the summer season at Mistusinne with coffee and treats.
Pick up your tax notices, pick up your golf passes & boat launch tags, secure a water testing kit and much more!
Connect with council, administration & staff and visit with your neighbours.
The results of the 2024 rate payer survey can be found by clicking HERE. Congratulations to our 3 winners of the golf passes for completing the survey!
Sunday, September 24
Please be advised that a Coyote was spotted on the road by the Playground early this morning.
Procede with caution
The Resort Village of Mistusinne.
Thursday, Aug 10
The Fire Ban has been lifted.
Please burn responsibly.
Tue, July 25 at 1:00 p.m.
Fire Ban In Effect
Friday, July 21, 2023
Good Morning Mistusinne
The Fire Ban has been lifted.
Please burn responsibly. Have a great weekend.
Information on Elbow's Transfer Station
Council is proposing a Golf Cart Bylaw. This bylaw is based on the regulations setout by SGI. Please send Kelly Dodd adminstrator@mistusinne.com an email if you have questions. The rules regarding these bylaws can be found here.
Monday, July 10 4:30 p.m.

Sunday, July 9
Good Afternoon Everyone,
The Irrigation system is down and will not be back up today.
Tomorrow once we know more information we will provide an update.
We require outside assistance on this one, so please be patient as it might be a couple of days.
We will do everything in our power to sort this one out as soon as we can.
Have a wonderful Sunday Afternoon.
Council Meeting Change
Please be advised that the Saturday April 22 council meeting has been moved to Sunday April 23 at 9:30 a.m due to weather/road conditions. The office is open regular hours today Friday April 21.
SaskPower Upcoming Events
The Small Modular Reactor Project Team will be hosting several drop-in events throughout the Elbow study area from March 28th to April 5th. We will share new project information and the latest siting maps as we continue to plan for nuclear power from small modular reactors. Attendees will have an chance to share their priorities to help us narrow down options for a potential site.
Attached are posters for all of the events we’ll be hosting around Lake Diefenbaker. Please share posters for drop-ins that are closest to your community on your website, facebook page and local community boards. You can also see the full schedule of all upcoming drop-ins here: SMR Siting Areas Engagement Events | Engage SaskPower
For those who cannot join in-person, we’re also offering two virtual drop-in sessions on May 2, 2023. Registration is required. Below are the links to register:
- Virtual Drop-in Event: Tuesday, May 2, 2023
12-1:30 pm (afternoon) – Register here: https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_8ahu1EQGR7qHa987IsS0Iw
- 6:30-8pm (evening) – Register here: https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_R_6-0yNmQYCKv4VdJO5KqQ
Golf Sponsorship Opportunity & 2023 Rate Payer Survey Results
The 2023 Rate Payer Survey results are in please click here for a condensed version.
Golf Course Sponsorship opportunities are available for the 2023 season please click here for the details.
This information was emailed to all residents Friday, Mar 17. If you did not receive the email please let us know at office@mistusinne.com
Happy St. Patrick's Day!
Tue,Jan 17, 2023
The Winter Newsletter has been published. If you did not receive an emailed copy please head to the "Newsletter Tab" to have a read.
You should have received an email on Saturday with a link to the "2023 Rate Payer Survey". If you did not please complete the survey here:
The next regular meeting of council will be held Sat, Feb 11 at 10:30 a.m.
Friday, Oct 14
Incase you missed it,the Fall Newsletter is out. If we have your email you have recieved a copy! You can view online here on our website on the Newsletter tab. The newsletter is always available on the Bulletin Board. If you require alternative arrangements for obtaining a copy please contact the office.
View HERE as well.
The meeting will be held at 10:00 a.m. at the Community Centre.
Wednesday, September 14, 2022
The Meeting agenda for Saturday's meeting has been finalized. It is available for review under the "Council" tab.
No new items will be accepted at this time. Anything recieved after 1:56 p.m today will automatically be redirected to the October meeting.
If you think you should be on the agenda and you are not please contact the administrator Kelly Dodd at 306-331-8540 as soon as possible.
Friday, Sept 9, 2022
No burning until further notice.
July 15, 2022
July 9, 2022
The 2022 Taxes have been levied and the 2022 fees processed.
The Summer 2022 Newsletter has been published, can be found on the "Newsletter page" of this website.
The office will be open tomorrow (Sunday, July 10, 2022) from 10:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. If you so desire, please stop in and pick up your tax package.
Feeling extra ambitious stop in pick up your package and pay your 2022 taxes.
Taxes and fees may also be paid via ETransfer to mistusinne@sasktel.net. We will mail out receipts.
Recycling will also be open during time.
Taxes not picked up tomorrow will be mailed. Not available tomorrow but would like us to hold until next Friday, just send us a quick email!
The Newsletter has been added to the website under “Newsletter” it is also on the bulletin board at the office.
We know this is short notice, please pass this information onto your neighbours.
Thank you for your cooperation!
The Resort Village of Mistusinne is looking to hire:
A permanent - Part time Office Assistant to work up to 15 hours per week.
The assistant works Fridays 12 - 5 and Saturdays 10-12 in July and August and 1 saturday a month all year for the council meeting, as well as 1 weekend day for the rate payer meeting.
Please apply within. This message will stay up until the position has been filled. If you have questions please call Administrator Kelly Dodd at (306) 331 - 8540.
1 or 2 summer students. Duties include: cutting grass, water plants and other duties as assigned by the Foreman. This position usually runs for July and August, however an earlier start date may be available this year, based on the candidates availability.
You are Invited:
Council would like to invite you to a Council Meet & Greet FREE Pancake Breakfast Sunday, July 3rd from 9:00 a.m. until 11:00 a.m. at the Village shop/survery. Here is your chance to come on out and mingle with council and fellow residents. We had tremendous success with the survey we sent in Jan! As a result council has decided to send out a survey via email once a year, in order to ensure we obtain feedback from the majority of residents. The Breakfast and Survey will replace the annual rate payers meeting this year.
Here are the final results from the Jan 2022 Survey.
Storage Fees 2022
Storage Fees for the 2022 Season are due NOW! We accept cash, cheque and Etransfer. Etransfer can be sent to mistusinne@sasktel. net. No security question is required.
The fee is $100.00 flat.
June Regular Council Meeting
The June council meeting will be held Friday,June 24 at 7:30 p.m. at the 101 Mistusinne Crescent. We will be back to Saturday's at the normal time for July.
Recycling 2022/2023
Recycling is open from 12:00 p.m. -5:00 p.m. on Friday's in June. Recycling will be open 10:00 a.m - 2:00 p.m. on Saturday's in July and August.
Golf Fees for the 2022 Season are as follows:
Resident Adult: $100.00
Resident Youth (17 and Under) FREE
Non- Resident Adult $150
Non - Resident Youth $75.00
Daily Passes $15.00
Boat Launch rates for 2022 are as follows:
Resident: No charge (2 stickers/lot)
Non- Resident $30.00 per season or $10.00 per day
Permits are now required for temporarily placing camping units on the Green Space. There are 2 different options available:
A “Up to 3 days Permit” – allows units to stay between 1-3 nights. The “4 – 7-day permit” – allows units to stay anywhere from 4-7 days.
“Up to 3 days “is available at a cost of $20.00
“4-7 days” is available at a cost of $50.00
You may Etransfer Payment, send a cheque, or stop in at the office to make payment.
Everyone needs to fill out a permit application. That can be found here, or by stopping in at the office.
Council has received a Mistusinne Boat Launch Assessment from The Golder Group. Council is also exploring alternative options. Please find a copy of the Golder Report here.
Please be advised that permits are now required for temporarily placing camping units on the Green Space. There are 2 different options available:
A “Up to 3 days Permit” – allows units to stay between 1-3 nights. The “4 – 7-day permit” – allows units to stay anywhere from 4-7 days.
“Up to 3 days “is available at a cost of $20.00
“4-7 days” is available at a cost of $50.00
You may Etransfer Payment, send a cheque, or stop in at the office to make payment.
Everyone needs to fill out a permit application. That can be found here, or by stopping in at the office.
Please remember that Snowmobiles, ATVs and UTVs are not allowed in Douglas Provincial Park, including the campgrounds and trails. Snowmobiles may pass through the park land in the ditches or between the highway and railway tracks. Douglas Park boundary is marked on the fence, and starts immediately south of Mistusinne.
Watch here for all things Resort Village municipal election related!
August 4, 2020 - Election memo with candidate bio's
Golf Course: With the “Re-Open Saskatchewan Plan” the golf course is allowed to open May 15, 2020. HOWEVER, the Outdoor Individual Recreational Guidelines outlined in the Province’s plan must be followed. Council will be discussing this further at their May 16, 2020 meeting, but for now this will include the following “rules”:
- Groups over 10 are NOT permitted on the golf course
- Physical distancing MUST be maintained at all times; with a minimum of two meters between individuals
- Flags will remain in the hole and the cup will be elevated so the ball does not drop in the hole. Play is concluded when the ball contacts the cup. DO NOT TOUCH THE FLAG STICK.
- Don’t tee off until the people ahead of you are clear of the green
- Payments are to be made in the golf drop box outside of the Village Office, or by etransfer (see box above for info on etransfers)
- There will be NO scorecards, or pencils available
- The washroom at the Maintenance Building will be CLOSED
Message From Council - April 8, 2020
With the spring season upon us, and the unprecedented times we are living in, we would like to wish everyone good health and safety.
Council has made a couple of changes to help protect our citizens.
First, the playground is closed.
Secondly, the golf course, by provincial mandate, must remain closed.
Please respect these restrictions.
The public health authority has also recommended that if we do not have to travel that we stay home.
We have those in our village that have chosen to self isolate here, many due to being at increased risk. We all should respect this choice and limit any possibility of infection.
It is normal for each of us, when seeing friends that we perhaps have not been in contact with for an extended period of time, to want to visit and catch up. Please do not visit in groups or have close contact with anyone outside of those who live in the same household.
Wherever you are during this pandemic please follow the guidelines set out by the health authority.
If you show symptoms or have been out of the country, it is mandatory to isolate in your home for a period of at least 14 days.
For others, wash your hands often and practice social distancing.
It is councils wish that all remain healthy through this pandemic. Saskatchewan is the best place to be, both at times like this, and at all times. Please care for yourself and others.
If there are any other changes that affect our village, we will continue to inform you.
Mayor and Council of Resort Village of Mistusinne
Resort Village of Mistusinne - recipient of the 2019 "Regional Cooperation"
Saskatchewan Municipal Award
The Resort Village of Mistusinne was recognized at the SUMA Convention, February 4, 2020 as a recipient of the “Regional Cooperation” Saskatchewan Municipal Award. Mayor Lloyd Montgomery and Administrator Yvonne Jess were in attendance to accept this award.
The Regional Cooperation award was for our participation in the Regional Asset Management and Group Learning project, along with the Villages of Broderick, Conquest, Elbow, Glenside, Kenaston, Loreburn, Strongfield, and Beechy, the Towns of Central Butte, Dundurn, and Hanley, and the R.M.’s of Loreburn and Fertile Valley. As a group we developed a regional cooperation framework to provide each municipal council with a plan to forecast asset replacement investments, to better understand revenue sources and suitability, and to communicate more effectively with community members around the state of municipal assets.
The Conservation Officer who is working out of Douglas Park has just informed the Resort Village of Mistusinne that they will be closing the Trans Canada Trail between Mistusinne and the Park campground due to the presence of a mated pair of territorial Coyotes that appear to be protecting their den. There will be signs posted at both gates but the Coyotes appear to be in the area around the first bluff of trees upon entering the park from Mistusinne.
There were two instances last weekend of Coyotes being aggressive towards dogs, one on the trail and one on the beach in the Park.
Please avoid the area, especially with dogs, for the next while.
Canada Day 2019! – (submitted by Carol Dorward, chairperson)
The parade was led by RCMP Constable Beriault, Piper Brett Stinson, Drummer, Dillon Stinson, followed by decorated bicycles, quads, golf carts, floats & pets on leash. A special thanks to Moose Jaw Shrine Club for bringing their train to the parade.
Following the parade everyone moved to the Gathering Area to participate in games, face painting and cupcake decorating for the children while parents and grandparents cheered them on. Everyone enjoyed the barbecue and socializing. Musical entertainment was provided by the McIntyre Sisters, who also led us in the singing of our National Anthem. Thanks to Mayor Montgomery for being M.C.
As Chairperson, I would like to thank all the volunteers who helped to make this year’s Canada Day Celebrations a great success. Special mention goes to committee members, Ronelda Fortner, Leigh McIntyre, Betty Ann Erickson, Dana Stinson, Patricia Carey, Hanne Caleval, Linda Reis, Paulette & Ken Arcand & Bruce Dorward. Appreciation is also extended to the Elbow Hotel & Bar for ice cream bars, Louise Martineau/Quick Printing for posters & signs, Grant McIntyre for the sound system & our Maintenance Staff for help in setting up & taking down in the Gathering Area.
Mark your calendar for Canada Day, Wednesday, July 1st, 2020!
Lake Diefenbaker Task Force Against Aquatic Invasive Mussels
Joanne Brochu, chair of the Lake Diefenbaker Task Force Against Aquatic Invasive Mussels spoke at the Annual Meeting on May 19, 2018 about why we need our own plan to protect Lake Diefenbaker including inspections, decontamination, and a citizens' patrol. Below, you'll find a document that outlines this committees action plan, as well as two sample letters we encourage everyone to send to Premier Moe and the Minister of Environment, Dustin Duncan, along with your MLA.
sample letter - Minister of Environment